Schedule 2012
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Under your lab group number enter the labs in order that you wish to do them. Note: if someone else has already chosen a lab, then you cannot do the lab at the same time. For brevity, use the following 2-3 letter codes instead of the full experiment name:
- Muon Lifetime: ML
- Hall Effect: HE
- Franck-Hertz: FH
- Photoelectric Effect/Speed of Light: PE/SL (Done as one lab)
- Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: NMR
- Nuclear Spectroscopy: NS
- The Zeeman Effect: ZE
- Rutherford Scattering: RS
- Brownian Motion: BM
- Millikan Oil Drop: MOD
For example, if you are group 1 (G1), and you want to do NMR for Lab 1, but you see that G2 already chose their labs and listed NMR under Lab 1, then you need to choose a different lab for lab 1.
Group | Lab 1 | Lab 2 | Lab 3 | Lab 4 | Lab 5 | Lab 6 |
G1 | PE/SL | ZE | BM | NS | FH | NMR |
G2 | RS | ML | PE/SL | FH | HE | MOD |
G3 | BM | RS | ML | ZE | NMR | FH |
G4 | ML | NMR | HE | BM | ZE | PE/SL |
G5 | FH | NS | RS | ML | PE/SL | ZE |
G6 | HE | PE/SL | FH | NMR | ML | RS |
G7 | NMR | HE | MOD | PE/SL | RS | NS |
G8 | ZE | FH | NMR | HE | BM | ML |
G9 | MOD | BM | ZE | RS | NS | HE |
G10 |