import numpy # numerical python (matrices etc) import pylab # plotting import scipy.stats.stats # scientific python # load data (unpack = read in by column) time, alt0, alt1, alt2, alt3, alt4 = numpy.loadtxt('altitudes.txt', unpack=True) #Get mean and variance: fancier ways to do this mean = (alt0 + alt1 + alt2 + alt3 + alt4)/5 var = ((alt0-mean)**2 + (alt1-mean)**2 + (alt2-mean)**2 + \ (alt3-mean)**2 + (alt4-mean)**2)/4 # std = numpy.sqrt( var ) var_on_mean = var/4 std_on_mean = numpy.sqrt(var_on_mean) print 'time', time print 'mean', mean print 'std on mean', std_on_mean #Plot (maybe skip this in the presentation) pylab.plot(time, alt0, color = 'blue') pylab.plot(time, alt1, color = 'red' ) pylab.plot(time, alt2, color = 'green') pylab.plot(time, alt3, color = 'orange') pylab.plot(time, alt4, color = 'cyan') pylab.errorbar(time, mean, std, fmt ='o', color='black') font_size= 16 pylab.xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize=font_size) pylab.ylabel('Altitude (m)', fontsize=font_size) ax = pylab.gca() for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(font_size) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(font_size) pylab.xlim([-.5, 4.5]) pylab.savefig('data.png') # Fit the data # # Model is d = a*t**2 + b*t + c = [t**2,t,1][a] = M x # [b] # [c] # # Maximimum Likelihood solution x_ml = (MT N_inv M)^{-1} MT N_inv data # data = mean print "data shape", data.shape N_inv = numpy.diag(1/var_on_mean) # diag function creates a diagonal matrix print "N_inv shape", N_inv.shape # Construct time matix M = numpy.array([time**2, time, numpy.ones(len(time))]).transpose() print "M shape", M.shape MT = M.transpose() print "MT shape", MT.shape #Compute MT N_inv M inv_cov =,,M)) cov = numpy.linalg.inv(inv_cov) #Compute MT N_inv data rhs =, N_inv, data )) #rhs of equation #Compute ML solution x_ml =, rhs) print "a,b,c = ", x_ml print "var(a,b,c) = ", cov[0,0], cov[1,1], cov[2,2] #Final plot pylab.clf() pylab.errorbar(time, mean, std_on_mean, fmt ='o', color='black', label='data') t_model = numpy.arange(-.4,4.5,.1) alt_model = x_ml[0]*t_model**2 + x_ml[1]*t_model + x_ml[2] pylab.plot(t_model, alt_model, label = 'model') pylab.legend() pylab.xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize=font_size) pylab.ylabel('Altitude (m)', fontsize=font_size) pylab.savefig("data_with_model.png") #Chi-squared residual = data -, x_ml) print residual print residual**2 print var chisq = numpy.sum(residual**2 / var_on_mean) dof = len(residual)-3 # 3 parameters print "chisq =", chisq, "with", dof, "dof" print "PTE = ", scipy.stats.stats.chisqprob(chisq, dof)